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Hi Everyone! Let. me introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Ilham Jaya. I was born at Karanganyar on 18 March 2008. I am currently still studying at SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta majoring in Software Engineering. I like coding, creating software, and doing other daily routines. Below is some information regarding biodata, background, profile, etc. about me

Educational Background

SDN 03 Jati (2014-2020)

Elementary School

SMP Budi Utomo Surakarta (2020-2023)

Junior High School

SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta (2023-Now)

Software Engineering Major - Vocational Senior High School

Where do I live?

Karanganyar, Central Java, 57731


I was born, raised, and live until now in this city.

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